Blog Archive

Monday, July 28, 2014

Back to School Resources

Hello all!

As we go through another season, the end of summer is fast approaching. With that in mind, it is time to start thinking about going back to school. The blog resources that have been created for you  most recently are intended to help both you and your families transition back into "school life." Included in the resources for this time period are a couple of different items to help you and your family with the transition. There are two versions of "Back to School" social stories. The second version is intended for our kiddos who do best with less verbal information. You will find the same for "Things I Need to Know." This resource were created to help your child put structure into thinking about getting ready to go back to school. The last resource you will find is a social story reminding students about how to ride the bus appropriately. As we head into another school year, we wish you a happy & healthy transition and 2014-2015 year!

Click here to download & print this month's resources:

                                                 Back to School Resources

Time to go back to school!! 
(version 1)
I am on summer break, it has been fun.
When I am on summer break, I don’t have to go to school.
When I am summer break, I get to do a lot of fun stuff with my family and friends.
But, it is almost time to go back to school. Summer break is almost finished.
When summer break is finished, it will be time to start a new school year.
When summer break is over, I will go back to school.
When I go back to school, I will meet my teacher and learn a lot of great stuff.  
When I go back to school, I will say hello to my school friends.  
When I go back to school, the bus will pick me up in the morning and take me to school.
When I go back to school, the bus will take me home in the afternoon.
When I go back to school, I will make good choices.
When I go back to school, I will follow the school rules.
When I go back to school, I will eat lunch at school with my teachers and friends.
Going back to school is fun!
I will make good choices and have fun at school!!
Summer break is almost finished. 


Riding the bus!!
It’s time to go back to school.
When I go to school, I will ride the school bus.
When I ride the bus, I will follow the bus rules.
I will follow the bus rules to stay safe.
I will sit in my seat. 
I will make good choices.
I will stay in my seat.
I will sit quietly in my seat. 
The bus will pick me up at home in the morning and take me to school.
The bus will pick me up at school in the afternoon and take me home.
It’s time to go back to school.
I will ride the bus to and from school.

It will be fun!


Let’s get ready to go back to school!! (version 1) 

Things I need to know
·        School starts on: _____________________________________ (date)
·        My teacher is: ______________________________________
o   The other helpers in my classroom will be:
§  _______________________________________________
§  _______________________________________________
·        I will have to wake up at: _____________________________ A.M.
·        My school friends will be:
o   ___________________________           _________________________
o   ___________________________           _________________________
o   ___________________________           _________________________
o   ___________________________           _________________________
o   ___________________________           _________________________
·        My bus number is: #___________________
·        My bus driver is: ____________________________________________
·        My classroom number is: Room #___________________
·        I will go to school at ____________________ A.M. 
·        I will go home at ____________________________ P.M.
·        I have to go to bed at _______________ _________P.M.